Sunday, October 12, 2008

This is week 7.

This will be the week for you to really dive into and hopefully finish the Texture and Surface paintings. It probably feels like we just started them but hopefully all the knowledge you gained in working on the White Objects painting will pay off and you'll see yourself moving things along a little more quickly. 

Unfortunately, I'll be out on jury duty starting Wednesday. This will be an opportunity for you to utilize each other's strengths, whether they be in canvas stretching, color mixing, or remembering homework/blog stuff, so that you can do your best work without me here to push you. Ask each other questions. Share strategies. Check in on one another. I'll be reachable by email.

At the end of this week I'll be submitting mid-term grades. If you haven't finished a project I'll be assessing it in its current state...same goes for the blog. Please carefully check the blog rubric so you won't be shocked when you receive your mid-term grade. Any information you can't find here is on class conferences or the bulletin boards, as always.

Happy painting. 

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